22 Jul, 2024 | Barker Francisco | No Comments
Thе Rolе of Stadiums in Cultural and Political Еvеnts: Bеyond Sports

Stadiums havе long bееn iconic vеnuеs for thrilling sports еvеnts, from football matchеs and athlеtics compеtitions to concеrts and fеstivals. Howеvеr, thеir rolе еxtеnds far bеyond thе rеalm of sports. Thеsе architеctural marvеls oftеn sеrvе as focal points for significant cultural and political еvеnts, shaping thе social and political landscapеs of citiеs and countriеs. This […]
2 Jan, 2023 | Barker Francisco | No Comments
Qatar Stadiums for FIFA World Cup 2022: What’s Special about Them?

The FIFA World Cup 2022 took place in Qatar from November 20 to December 18, 2022. The whole event was special for many reasons. To start with, it was the first time that a Middle Eastern country hosted this kind of football tournament.Qatar invested billions of dollars in preparations. The main focus was set on […]
Over and above being just a game, DOTA 2 has grown into a significant esports phenomenon. One of the top esports games in the world is Defense of the Ancients 2, or DOTA 2. It took the place of the popular MOD game “Warcraft III.” It has a significant fan base made up of participants, […]
Once upon a time, the largest stadium in terms of capacity was the legendary Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The most expensive soccer stadium in the world today is the legendary Wembley (London, UK)! For its construction it was spent almost 1.5 billion U.S. dollars and 4 years of construction works!
The most original, in terms of architectural solutions, we recognized the central sports arena of the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics – the Bird’s Nest Stadium!